Monday, 7 September 2009

照片的故事 Story of a Picture

When I own my first camera, I started like to take picture unconsciously... each of them...about memory and stories...

Now, let them tell you their story... the black and white story...

Brother and sister, Cambodian, 1979

Villagers Fleeing a Napalm Strike, Village of Trang Bang,Vietnam, June 8, 1972

Mother Teresa cradling an armless babyorphan
at her order's orphanagein Calcutta, India, 1978

Israeli Soldier, 1970

Two Vietnamese Children, huddling against a canal bank for protection from Viet Cong Sniper fire, gaze at an American paratrooper's M79 grenade launcher on New Year's Day, 1966, near Bao Trai.

                                 Pictures from google

by YeeChin

当我们在埋怨: " 真不幸运!" 的时候,那他们呢? 能够埋怨吗?
When we blame how terrrible our life is, what about them? Can they blame?
There are limitation of what a picture can tell us, but our hearts in somehow are vibrated...

1 comment:

  1. 是看的人自己局限自己的心,所以才觸動不到他。。。
